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Contact person: Joanna Zhang
Tel: +86-575-81389789
Fax: +86-575-81389787
Mob: Joanna Zhang 13858561520
Tel: +86-575-81389789
Fax: +86-575-81389787
Mob: Joanna Zhang 13858561520

Liftech equipment is a leading supplier of electric chain and wire rope hoists, air powered hoists, lever hoists, manual hand chain hoists, trolleys, cranes and manual trolley....
Hand geared trolleys are an excellent option when accurate load spotting is a must. Geared trolleys are also referred to as hand geared trolleys and incorporate a looped hand chain, which is attached to a hand chain wheel or sprocket. When the operator pulls the hand chain, the sprocket then e...
Plain trolleys serve as an economical alternative in lower capacity applications, however higher capacities are also available. Plain or Push Trolleys require manual handling to direct movement in a traverse direction. They operate on flat or tapered beams, and support a hoist with top hook or lug...