Electric 2 ton electric chain hoist rope maintenance of what is important
2014-03-05 by xiugai
Wire Rope Hoist rope is easy to wear , not only in use it should be noted , even after use should also keep in 2 ton
Electric Chain Hoist order to prolong life. After the best use of wire rope on the dirt To clean after Shang Hao oil, then coiled good , stored in a dry place.
electric wire rope hoist rope lubricating role has two main aspects : on the one hand , you can prevent the rope rust ; the other hand, the telephone
2 ton electric chain hoist rope in use , between its sub- rope per share in the same wire and the sliding friction is generated between the wire particularly when the wire rope to each other by the bending force , the more severe friction , after the addition of oil can reduce this friction. Lubricating effect is to increase the service life of wire rope hoist . Another wire rope hoist rope when not in use must always check its strength, generally around a quarter of a comprehensive inspection must be carried out or doing strength test , what if the investigation fails, the rope must be replaced to ensure the safety of operating personnel . So, wire rope hoist rope care , care of the property with double security is the protection of life . When do these maintenance requirements for wire rope , wire rope to reduce spending will have a feasible solution .